Upgrade your wargame forces with the Toonkrieg Russian Vehicle miniature. This 3D-printed model, designed in a unique cartoon style, brings a distinct flair to your tabletop battles. Crafted by MicroArx Miniatures, it features detailed design and durability, making it a valuable addition to your gaming collection.
33,00 EURfrom
≈ 13 695 Ftfrom
This is a cartoon Cossacks Tachanka, a horse drawn Heavy Machinegun. It consists of a cart, two horses, and three crew, in a variety of poses. The horses can be printed mirrored, so you have four options for them. The vehicles are a similar scale to the WW TOONS series from MENG.
22,11 EURfrom
≈ 9 176 Ftfrom
This is a cartoon version of a T70 Light Tank. It’s in its own cartoon scale, but the crew are fairly close to a 28mm model height wise. It comes with two crew options. The vehicles are a similar scale to the WW TOONS series from MENG.
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